It's pretty common knowledge that your metabolism can change over time, and even more so once you get out of your carefree 20s. It's harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you get busier, have less time to devote to eating well and exercising, and gravity starts to take its toll. I have been doing my best in the last year or so to reverse that trend. I'm in better shape than I've ever been, eating a much more balanced diet, and am generally in a better place than where I was when I entered this decade.
But even the strongest willed can find their Achilles heel. In the last 2-3 months I've found mine in many forms. Beer, for one. An injured foot preventing me from exercising. A healthy appetite even more magnified due to stress.
Today is 30. July 30. And I'm presenting myself with a 30-day challenge to get back to doing what I love: Regularly exercising (who'd have thought I would say I love that!), Vodka drinks (my low carb alcoholic best friend), and most importantly cooking more.
So until August 30th, I am making a pact to:
1) Stop drinking beer for 30 days. Which sucks, but it's feasible when I allow myself vodka. And wine.
2) Provide a home prepared/cooked meal and snacks for myself for lunch every day. This means no hitting the vending machine or cafeteria at work. This will not only have me eating healthier, it will also save me money.
3) Slowly but surely getting back into running. The doctor gave me the all clear, so I'm ready to ease back in.
I place this on my blog as a bit of an oath to myself to hold myself accountable. It's only 30 days, and perhaps it will extend longer and I'll adapt some of these habits again long-term. But for now, it's baby steps to combat a summer of fun and excess.
Speaking of excess, I'll post about all the food I ate on vacation in Montreal later this week. This gives good reason for why I'm enjoying my salads this week.